Contact Us
Please visit our Help Center. There you'll find answers to many common questions about creating an account, watching and uploading videos, and maintaining your channel.
If you're unable to find what you're looking for in the Help Center, we suggest visiting our Community Help Forum or accessing our point of contact by clicking “Help” under your avatar in the top right corner or in the bottom of the sidebar of YouTube. Experiencing a bug? Take a look at our Current Site Issues page to see a list of known issues we're working to fix.
Media Relations
Press Room
This area contains media contact information, press releases, b-roll footage, FAQs, and our interactive timeline.
Partner Program
If you're interested in joining the YouTube Partner Program, visit our information page to learn more about it.
Whether an AdAge 100 advertiser or a local retailer, everyone can broadcast their ad campaign on YouTube and tap into the world's largest online video community. Learn the basics to advertising on YouTube.
Abuse Issues
For any abuse issues on the site, please contact us through the Abuse and Policy Center.
Site Security Issues
If you want to report a security issue with the YouTube site, please visit us here.
Copyright Issues
If you are the copyright owner of a video and feel it has been uploaded without your permission, please follow these directions to submit a copyright infringement notice.
Content ID Program
If you're interested in being part of our Content ID program, please visit the Content ID page.
Inappropriate Content
To report an inappropriate video on YouTube, please click the "Flag" link under the video. For details on our policy, please read the Terms of Service.
Additional Contact Information
If you're a developer or interested in our APIs, please visit the Developer area.
Submit Additional Content to Google
See all opportunities to distribute your content for free across Google including gadgets, product search, local business center and books.
Our Address
You can contact YouTube at the address below.
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Gordon House, Barrow Street
Dublin 4, D04 E5W5
Fax: +353 1 686 5660
Corporate Registration Number: 368047
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